Latin name:Erythrina mulungu Also know as:Erythrina verna, Corallodendron mulungu,Mulungu, corticeira, murungu, muchocho, murungo, totocero, flor-de-coral, mulungu-coral, Coral Tree
Origin:Brazil Batch-NR:JN-2602T
Notice: (Novel Food) Raw plant material not a food in the EU
Fine shredded tree bark of the Coral Tree, Erythrina mulungu. Erythrina mulungu is part of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, and there are many scientific studies that document its properties. These studies include the following applications, as an analgesic, sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, hypnotic, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, expectorant and resolvent.